tar file compression and decompression

Tar file compression and decompression


It is the GNU version of the tar archiving utility


Main Operations are:



Creating an uncompressed tar archive using option cvf

This is the basic command to create a tar archive.
$ tar cvf archive_name.tar dirname/

In the above command:
  • c – create a new archive
  • v – verbosely list files which are processed.
  • f – following is the archive file name
The above tar cvf option, does not provide any compression.
  1. tar using gzip
To use a gzip compression on the tar archive, use the z option as shown below.

It will create a compressed file called compressed.tar.gz of directory scrennshot.

To later decompress the file and expand the archive, you can use the -x flag:

This will recreate the directory structure in the current directory.

2. tar using bzip2

To use archiving with bzip2, you can replace the -z flag, which is gzip-specific, with the -j flag.

It will create a compressed file called compressed.tar.bz2 of director scrennshot.

To later decompress the file and expand the archive, you can use the -x flag:

This will recreate the directory structure in the current directory.

These follow the exact same format using the -J flag.

It will create a compressed file called compressed.tar.xz of directory scrennshot.

To later decompress the file and expand the archive, you can use the -x flag:

This will recreate the directory structure in the current directory.


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